Jobs at HELVETAS Tanzania



Consultancy  Jobs

Consultancy at HELVETAS, May 2019
HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation Tanzania (HELVETAS) is an international NGO and part of HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation which has its Head Office in Switzerland ( ). HELVETAS Tanzania presently engages in two thematic areas: Skill Development and Education (SDE) and Sustainable & Inclusive Economies (SIE)

HELVETAS is implementing the Grain Postharvest Loss Prevention (GPLP) project in the central corridor of Tanzania. The GPLP project is funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and aims to reduce postharvest losses in food grains and improve food security and incomes for targeted farming households. The project is organising capitalisation of experiences and lessons learned (CAPEX) on different elements of the project, for which HELVETAS is requesting proposals from qualified Consultants interested to conduct the following assignments:
Consultancy No. 1
  • CAPEX on business model and adoption of improved postharvest management (PHM) including metal silo
Consultancy No. 2
  • CAPEX on Postharvest Management Policy Advocacy Consultancy No. 3
  • Documenting “voices from the field” – impacts and reflections from project stakeholders
Detailed Terms of Reference (ToR) for each consultancy assignment are available at:
Detailed proposal(s) including a cover letter, work plan, methodology, budget and short CV of the Consultant should be submitted (by email or hard copies delivered) to the below address before 20th May 2019.
HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation
Grain Postharvest Loss Prevention (GPLP) Project
P 0 Box 2978,
Nyerere Road, NBC Building 2nd Floor