Job Title:
Information Management Officer
Kibondo, Tanzania
Application Deadline:
Procedures and Eligibility
submitting an application, UNHCR staff members intending to apply to
this Job Opening are requested to consult the Recruitment and
Assignments Policy (RAP, UNHCR/HCP/2017/2 and the Recruitment and
Assignments Administrative Instruction (RAAI), UNHCR/AI/2017/7 OF 15
August 2017.
Duties and Qualifications
Information Management Officer
close coordination and consultation with the Senior Regional
Information Management Officer and, as applicable, relevant units at
Headquarters (e.g. FICSS, Bureau) the Information Management Officer
will be responsible for designing and implementing a country-specific
Information Management strategy.
S/he will be
responsible for broadly supporting the production and dissemination of
information on the population of concern to the Country Office,
including, but not limited to Protection and Programme information.
Information Management Officer will liaise with sectoral leads to
gather information for further analysis and dissemination and identify
information gaps.
Where information gaps exist, the Information
Management Officer may help setting up primary data collection systems
and organise needs assessments, which may also involve other
In the case of refugee operations, the
Information Management Officer will coordinate information management
activities relevant to all aspects of the operation and across
For IDP operations, the Information
Management Officer will coordinate information management within and
provide information management services to the UNHCR-led clusters and
act as IM focal point for those clusters with OCHA.
- The Office has a clear and comprehensive Information Management strategy which guides all IM activities in the country.
- The Office has stepped up to its leadership role in providing quality Information Management services and delivers reliable, accessible and user-friendly, relevant, predictable, appropriate and timely delivery of information.
- The Office has an excellent Information Management capacity and deliver IM services to all partners.
- Global data standards, and where appropriate, the establishment of country-specific common data standards are adopted by UNHCR and its partners.
- Where required, UNHCR is meeting its cluster information management obligations.
- Draft the country/operation-specific Information Management strategy and define operational and funding requirements for the implementation of the strategy. The strategy must include the internal mangement of information within UNHCR including document mangement, flows of information and discovery of data/information within UNHCR.
- Support the promotion of data and information sharing within the humanitarian community as well as the adoption of global data standards, and where appropriate, the establishment of country-specific common data standards. To this end, maintain data and information-sharing relationships within the humanitarian community and with relevant governmental bodies.
- Identify and obtain the needed data and information elements required to produce standardized information products and design and manage respective data/information collection plans for baseline and context-specific data.
- Support the Office in the analysis of processed data and information and perform data quality and consistency control.
- Design and implement a structured dissemination plan for all information products and services as appropriate (e.g. web portal, mailing list, information centres, etc.) including the definition of standard operating procedures for clearing information products for release.
- Organize and convene a Refugee Information Management Working Group (RIMWG) with releveant operational partners for efficient coordination of Information Mangement activities. Evaluate and organize, if needed, thematic sub-groups in areas such as geographic information management.
- Provide Information Mangement services to support Monitoring activities within Sectors in a refugee emergency and to UNHCR led Clusters in IDP related emergencies; in areas of information flows, desimination, processing, analysis, standard setting and desimination.
- Leverage Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for map production and geographic data mangement while promoting data standards and harmonized mangement of geographic data/information.
- Provide Information Mangement services to support population data mangement activities including population estimation, information flows from established systems, movement tracking, standard-setting/promotion and desimination.
- Provide Information Management support to needs assessments for all sectors (in refugee situations) and provide Information Management support to needs assessments within UNHCR-led clusters while participating in joint/harmonized needs assessments with other partners/clusters.
- Perform other related duties as required.
- Chair a Refugee Information Management Working Group (RIMWG) (for refugee situations) and represent UNHCR-led clusters on inter-cluster Information Management Working Groups (for IDP situations).
- Assist in the recruitment and training of data collectors and data entry personnel, if requested.
- Undergraduate degree (equivalent of a BA/BS) in Information Technology, Demography, Statistics, Social Sciences or any related area plus minimum 6 years of previous work experience of which at least 4 years combined field and/or headquarters experience in international organizations (e.g. UN agencies, INGOs, IOs, bi-lateral cooperation agencies, etc.). Graduate degree (equivalent of a Master's) plus 5 years or Doctorate degree (equivalent of a PhD) plus 4 years of previous relevant work experience may also be accepted.
- Knowledge of the UN system and the humanitarian community.
- Knowledge of protection-related guidelines, standards and indicators.
- Proven skills to analyze statistical information.
- Advanced Excel skills (e.g. pivot tables, functions, etc.).
- Ability to formulate IM-related technical requirements and Operating Procedures.
- Ability to translate planning-specifications into technical briefs for data capture and analysis, and vice versa.
- Ability to compile and holistically analyze diverse datasets.
- Experience with handling confidential data.
- Demonstrated information management skills.
- Demonstrated understanding of different data collection methodologies.
- Understanding of relational data theory.
- Excellent written and oral presentation skills.
- Knowledge of English and UN working language of the duty station if not English.
- Successful participation in the Operational Data management Learning Programme.
- Experience in web design and software development is an asset.
- Experience with relevant software such as ArcGIS, Mapinfo, SPSS, EpiInfo6 , SQL Server, and/or progress.
- Experience with HTML, PHP, ASP and/or Java is an asset.
- Knowledge of additional UN languages.
- This is a Standard Job Description for all UNHCR Information Management Officer positions. The Operational Context may contain additional essential and/or desirable qualifications relating to the specific operation and/or position. Any such requirements are incorporated by reference in this Job Description and will be considered for the screening, shortlisting and selection of candidates.
Position Competencies
C001L3 Accountability Level 3
C002L3 Teamwork & Collaboration Level 3
C003L3 Communication Level 3
C004L3 Commitment to Continuous Learning Level 3
C005L3 Client & Result Orientation Level 3
C006L3 Organizational Awareness Level 3
M002L3 Managing Performance Level 3
M006L3 Managing Resources Level 3
M005L3 Leadership Level 3
M003L3 Judgement and Decision Making Level 3
M004L3 Strategic Planning and Vision Level 3
X003L3 Technological Awareness Level 3
X001L3 Analytical Thinking Level 3
X005L3 Planning and Organizing Level 3
C002L3 Teamwork & Collaboration Level 3
C003L3 Communication Level 3
C004L3 Commitment to Continuous Learning Level 3
C005L3 Client & Result Orientation Level 3
C006L3 Organizational Awareness Level 3
M002L3 Managing Performance Level 3
M006L3 Managing Resources Level 3
M005L3 Leadership Level 3
M003L3 Judgement and Decision Making Level 3
M004L3 Strategic Planning and Vision Level 3
X003L3 Technological Awareness Level 3
X001L3 Analytical Thinking Level 3
X005L3 Planning and Organizing Level 3
Job Title: Associate Supply Officer
Kasulu, Tanzania
Application Deadline:
Procedures and Eligibility
submitting an application, UNHCR staff members intending to apply to
this Job Opening are requested to consult the Recruitment and
Assignments Policy (RAP, UNHCR/HCP/2017/2 and the Recruitment and
Assignments Administrative Instruction (RAAI), UNHCR/AI/2017/7 OF 15
August 2017.
Associate Supply Officer manages and supports all activities pertaining
to the supply chain function including planning, sourcing, transport,
shipping, customs clearance and warehousing management in the operation.
The incumbent is normally supervised by the (Senior) Supply Officer who defines the objectives and provides general guidance.
The incumbent is normally supervised by the (Senior) Supply Officer who defines the objectives and provides general guidance.
are predominantly with other UN agencies, Implementing partners and
Government departments on relevant subject matters at the working level.
- UNHCR delivers timely and quality goods and services to persons of concern in compliance with supply chain rules and procedures.
- The local supply chain function is optimised and aligned with the operations' evolving needs and management systems and has an infrastructure that is robust and flexible enough to accommodate operational requirements.
- Supply chain activities are supported by effective partners.
- Prepare plans for delivery of relief items according to operational needs.
- Apply UNHCR's procurement strategy when planning for purchase of important commodities and services.
- Through regular physical verification of PPE establish their status, propose old and obsolete PPE for disposal and plan for the arrival of replacement items.
Operational Support
- Identify partners for supply chain projects based on objectives, priorities, strengths and resources of the implementing partner and/or contractor, according to criteria consistent with UNHCR rules and regulations.
- Resolve difficulties in the local supply chain by finding solutions to problems and bottlenecks, and provide regular reports on supply chain activities, the status of requests and the availability of items in the supply chain.
- Ensure timely customs clearance of consignments, and manage storage of goods according to "best practices" and UNHCR rules and regulations.
- Maintain an efficient system for the release, distribution and redeployment of goods.
- Coordinate transportation and distribution of relief items.
- Maintain accurate and comprehensive records on logistical activities and provide timely reports and updates both periodically and on request.
- Coordinate activities of implementing partners and/or contractors performing supply related activities, and ensure that they understand and adhere to relevant UNHCR rules and procedures.
- Through regular physical verification of PPE establish their status.
- Propose old and obsolete PPE for disposal and plan for arrival of replacement items.
Infrastructure Support
- Evaluate purchase requisitions to ensure that specifications, delivery dates and all other requirements are in order.
- Draft and dispatch quotation requests and/or tenders, assist in the evaluation of offers and draft bid-tabulations, and prepare proposals for award of contracts to the Committee on Contracts.
- Prepare Purchase Orders and send confirmations, requests for inspection and other correspondence;
- Monitor the manufacture/transport of ordered goods to ensure timely delivery.
- Analyse matters relating to procurement activities, and deliver information on all procurement activities within area of responsibility. Provide guidance and advice on UNHCR procurement policies and procedures to support and assist requesting sections.
- Implement effective asset and fleet management that regularly monitors the asset/fleet pool, saves cost and safeguards the investment of the organisation including receipt, inspection, registration and marking of new Property, Plant and Equipment (PPE), and organisation of the physical verification of PPE.
- Ensure that PPE agreements are properly issued and signed.
- Ensure proper preparation of disposal forms and cases for the Asset Management Board.
- Organise the disposal of PPE, according to Asset Management Board decisions.
- Provides asset management reports, customised reports, and gathers information on all assets and provides in-depth reports periodically and when requested.
- Analyse the quality of commodities and services delivered in relation to the needs of the location and established quality standards. Establish a local quality assurance process.
Business Support
- Analyse the existing infrastructure and ensure that it is optimally aligned with the operational needs.
- Implement practical projects to improve supply performance that has clear objectives, timescales, tasks and resources defined. Monitor the project implementation and report on progress.
- Monitor the quality and accuracy of supply chain related data in relevant business systems.
- Compile and analyse statistical information, identify trends and developments in supply chain related matters that will assist in decision making.
- Disseminate, promote commitment to and monitor compliance with UNHCR's global policies, standards and guidance on supply chain management.
- Adapt local supply chain structures to be consistent with the operational needs. Ensure effective information flow in the supply chain and adapt local process to the prevailing environment.
- Any other responsibility deemed necessary or as delegated by the Head of Supply Management Service in order to meet the level of service requires by the organisation.
- Identify, assess and select vendors based on their capability for delivering commodities and services. Maintain vendor and item master databases.
- Allocate resources to meet demand and support the on-going operation in compliance with the resources allocation framework.
- Determine shipment methods, routes and delivery schedules to meet demand in the most timely and cost-effective manner.
- Award, approve and terminate local contracts in accordance with delegated authorities, as well as, relevant UNHCR regulations, rules and procedures.
- Enforce compliance of supervised staff with relevant UNHCR supply chain regulations, rules and procedures and appraise their performance.
- Undergraduate degree (equivalent of a BA/BS) in Business Administration, Marketing, Engineering, Logistics, Mathematics or a related field plus minimum 3 years of previous relevant professional job experience. Graduate degree (equivalent of a Master's) plus 2 years or Doctorate degree (equivalent of a PhD) plus 1 year of previous relevant work experience may also be accepted.
- Knowledge of English and UN working language of the duty station if not English.
- Completion of UNHCR learning programmes or specific training relevant to functions of the position such as the Supply Chain Learning Programme (SCLP).
- Other UN procurement and logistics training such as IAPSO and UNPD.
- Knowledge and working experience of PeopleSoft/MSRP Supply Chain applications.
- Knowledge of additional UN languages.
This is a Standard Job
Description for all UNHCR Associate Supply Officer positions. The
Operational Context may contain additional essential and/or desirable
qualifications relating to the specific operation and/or position.
such requirements are incorporated by reference in this Job Description
and will be considered for the screening, shortlisting and selection of
Position Competencies
C001L2 - Accountability Level 2
C002L2 - Teamwork & Collaboration Level 2
C003L2 - Communication Level 2
C004L2 - Commitment to Continuous Learning Level 2
C005L2 - Client & Result Orientation Level 2
C006L2 - Organizational Awareness Level 2
M006L2 - Managing Resources Level 2
X001L2 - Analytical Thinking Level 2
X005L2 - Planning and Organizing Level 2
C002L2 - Teamwork & Collaboration Level 2
C003L2 - Communication Level 2
C004L2 - Commitment to Continuous Learning Level 2
C005L2 - Client & Result Orientation Level 2
C006L2 - Organizational Awareness Level 2
M006L2 - Managing Resources Level 2
X001L2 - Analytical Thinking Level 2
X005L2 - Planning and Organizing Level 2
Associate WASH (M&E) Officer Jobs
Procedures and Eligibility
This vacancy is open in the frame of the JPO Programme sponsored by
Finland and only candidates with Finnish nationality will be considered.
Duties and Qualifications
The WASH team is an integral
part of a sizeable operation across 3 refugee camps, serving a total
population of 288,100 refugees. Due to the current WASH staffing profile
and a diminishing operational budget, services remain somewhat
constrained and the team is unable to conduct monitoring and project
control to the standards they would like. The proposed position would
enable a stronger focus on innovation with regard to Mobile Data
Collection (MDC) applications and mapping software for monitoring
project performance. With an injection of specific technical expertise
in these areas, WASH operations across the Tanzania
refugee operation would be enabled at a higher level. For example, the
team has thus far experimented with MDC and established a pilot project
to monitor the flow of water at each tapstand at Mtendeli camp using
refugee workers as a means of determing whether the implementing parter
is truly working to improve the quality of the water supply network as
requested. The results of this detailed but low-cost method of
monitoring showed that the partner was not making improvements with the
kind of vigour required and these results were then used to help the
partner to prioritize the most problematic areas of the network. With
the proposed additional expertise of an Associat WASH (M&E) Officer
driving innovation, this type of detailed monitoring could be expanded
and diversified.
UNHCR Field Office Kasulu and Sub-Office are located in Kigoma Region in north western Tanzania. The country currently hosts approximately 330,000 refugees and asylum-seekers, mainly from Burundi and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) with 87% living in three camps - Nyarugusu, Nduta and Mtendeli. Nduta and Mtendeli camps fall under the purview of Field Office Kibondo .
The political context and protection environment in Tanzania continues to evolve. Since 2017, restrictions on access to territory and asylum have increased. In 2017, prima facie declaration for Burundian asylum seekers was revoked and Burundian asylum seekers arriving in Tanzania had to undergo refugee status determination.
Since September 2017, UNHCR has been involved in the voluntary repatriation of Burundian refugees following a Tripartite Commission Meeting with the United Republic of Tanzania, Republic of Burundi, and UNHCR. Over 50,000 people have returned to the country since the operation started in September 2017. While UNHCR is not promoting voluntary repatration, it is supporting the operation to ensure that returns are based on the principles of voluntariness and informed decisions.
The Tanzania operation is severely underfunded and the lack of consistent and sufficient resources is felt acutely in all sectors. The potential for a new influx from the Democratic Republic of Congo remains high, as preparations for the December 2018 election kick off. Similarly, the situation in Burundi remains tense due to unresolved political tensions and continued displacement inside and outside the country.
There is 1 WASH Officer (Roving) and 3 WASH Associates who assist him in closely monitoring the outcomes and performance within the WASH Sector. Together they oversee the work of 3 WASH Implementing Partners; 2 international and 1 local (Oxfam, NRC, and Tanganyika Christian Refugee Services) as well as 1 Operating Partner (Water Mission Intl)
UNHCR Field Office Kasulu and Sub-Office are located in Kigoma Region in north western Tanzania. The country currently hosts approximately 330,000 refugees and asylum-seekers, mainly from Burundi and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) with 87% living in three camps - Nyarugusu, Nduta and Mtendeli. Nduta and Mtendeli camps fall under the purview of Field Office Kibondo .
The political context and protection environment in Tanzania continues to evolve. Since 2017, restrictions on access to territory and asylum have increased. In 2017, prima facie declaration for Burundian asylum seekers was revoked and Burundian asylum seekers arriving in Tanzania had to undergo refugee status determination.
Since September 2017, UNHCR has been involved in the voluntary repatriation of Burundian refugees following a Tripartite Commission Meeting with the United Republic of Tanzania, Republic of Burundi, and UNHCR. Over 50,000 people have returned to the country since the operation started in September 2017. While UNHCR is not promoting voluntary repatration, it is supporting the operation to ensure that returns are based on the principles of voluntariness and informed decisions.
The Tanzania operation is severely underfunded and the lack of consistent and sufficient resources is felt acutely in all sectors. The potential for a new influx from the Democratic Republic of Congo remains high, as preparations for the December 2018 election kick off. Similarly, the situation in Burundi remains tense due to unresolved political tensions and continued displacement inside and outside the country.
There is 1 WASH Officer (Roving) and 3 WASH Associates who assist him in closely monitoring the outcomes and performance within the WASH Sector. Together they oversee the work of 3 WASH Implementing Partners; 2 international and 1 local (Oxfam, NRC, and Tanganyika Christian Refugee Services) as well as 1 Operating Partner (Water Mission Intl)
- - Support the improvement of regular project monitoring and evaluation mechanisms so as to change UNHCR WASH's capacity from being primarily a receiver of project progress data from the implementing partners to a real-time evaluator using innovation and a wide range of mobile data collection, mapping, and data analysis technologies available
- - Ensure that there is a viable standard WASH monitoring system in place for data collection, analysis and interpretation/reporting to serve as an evidence base for planning and further interventions.
- - Assist UNHCR WASH to independently monitor cost savings due gained due to the ongoing solarization program of all boreholes at all camps, water supply flow data at tapstands, distance to tapstands, number of persons per tap, number of persons per latrine stance and bath shelter, progress of community-based family latrine construction, condition of shared emergency latrines, Free Residual Chlorine at tapstands and in household collection containers, number of litres of storage at household level, cleanliness of water collecting vessels, handwashing practices, quantity of soap available, open defecation, number of hygiene promoters per Person of Concern, number of hygiene promotion campaigns, and impact of Theatre and Drum/Dance and School Health Club activities upon Behaviour Change (primarily handwashing and latirne use)
- - Work in multi-sector team in close collaboration with Public Health, Shelter, Protection, Education, Fleet Management/Supply, and Field colleagues
- - 30% cross-camp travel between Nyarugusu, Nduta, and Mtendeli camps.
The incumbent holds a professional technical position responsible for
provision of expert technical support and advice within the areas of
water, sanitation, hygiene as an integral part of UNHCR
programmes, specialising in improving Monitoring & Evaluation
capability, particularly through technological innovation such as
through Mobile Data Collection, Mapping, as well as data analysis and
visualisation.The JPO is expected to support the WASH Section in carrying out the following major duties and responsibilities:
Standards and policies
Support the drafting of WASH-related operational policies and guidelines.
Undertake needs and resources assessments with Governments and partners in order to prioritize needs and activities in provision of services to refugess and other people of concern to UNHCR.
Technical Support:
- Provide technical guidance and support to UNHCR's field operations, as well as the Bureaux on related technical matters to ensure delivery of WASH services; Provide field-based support and/or evaluation missions for emergency as well as stable situations as and when needed;
- Review and provide technical inputs on reports and programme proposals from the field with the view to verify technical integrity and compliance with UNHCR policy priorities refugee women and children, gender, adolescents and other related topics.
- Supporting the development and implementation of the monitoring and evaluation system for WASH programmes;
- Review and monitor programmes and activities in the field utilizing information gathered through the UNHCR WASH Monitoring System
- Analyze and evaluate WASH data to assess compliance with standards.
- Support data analysis of WASH data
- Support capacity building initiatives in the field of WASH among fellow UNCHR colleagues as well as Implementing Partners as well as refugee incentive workers, so that they acquire the needed knowledge, skills and sense of responsibility and ownership of the programme.
- Determine the appropriate principles, methods, and software most appropriate to conduct the monitoring and evaluation activities proscribed
- Determine the most appropriate reporting methodologies to communicate results for the monitoring mechanisms including mapping and data analysis software
- Determine the appropriate responses to project challenges identified in order to put project progress back on track
degree (BA/MA or equivalent, obtained in an accredited institution in water and sanitation engineering / water resources
development and/or postgraduate degree in one of the civil engineering
disciplines (water supply and/or hydrology or sanitation/hygiene
engineering) or Geographical Information Systems (GIS) or Computer
Engineering/Programming or Monitoring & Evaluation.
WORK EXPERIENCE: At least 2 years of experience in technical (related to water and sanitation) project/programme management works or Monitoring & Evaluation or Computer Engineering/Programming(required). Candidate with BA degree must have at least 3 years of experience. Experience in refugee emergencies or developing countries is desirable.
SKILLS: Program Management, willingness to learn, enthusiastic, eager to meet challenges and quickly assimilate new concepts, Computer/Technical Literacy (Mobile Data Collection, GIS/Mapping, Excel/Power BI), data analysis & visualization, excellent interpersonal communication abilities, multicultural sensitivity/awareness, problem-solving/reasoning/creativity, teamwork.
WORK EXPERIENCE: At least 2 years of experience in technical (related to water and sanitation) project/programme management works or Monitoring & Evaluation or Computer Engineering/Programming(required). Candidate with BA degree must have at least 3 years of experience. Experience in refugee emergencies or developing countries is desirable.
SKILLS: Program Management, willingness to learn, enthusiastic, eager to meet challenges and quickly assimilate new concepts, Computer/Technical Literacy (Mobile Data Collection, GIS/Mapping, Excel/Power BI), data analysis & visualization, excellent interpersonal communication abilities, multicultural sensitivity/awareness, problem-solving/reasoning/creativity, teamwork.
Proficient in the use of the follwing:ArcGIS/QGIS
Managerial Competencies:
M003: Judgement and Decision Making
Cross-Functional Competencies:
X001: Analytical Thinking
X002: Innovation and Creativity
X003: Technological Awareness
M003: Judgement and Decision Making
Cross-Functional Competencies:
X001: Analytical Thinking
X002: Innovation and Creativity
X003: Technological Awareness
- Essential: English,
- Desirable: Swahili and/or any other UN language.
- Essential: English,
- Desirable: Swahili and/or any other UN language.
SUPERVISION: The JPO will be under the direct supervision of the
manager indicated under `Supervisor title and position number¿. The
supervisor will be responsible for the performance evaluation of the
JPO. The manager will also ensure that the JPO is provided a thorough
induction and orientation briefing, followed by on-the-job training as
well as continuous guidance for training/learning opportunities
throughout the assignment. In support to the manager, the JPO Unit
provides the Supervisory Guidelines upon recruitment/reassignment of the
Training Components
- Mandatory training courses:
1. Basic Security in the Field (NB: needs to be retaken every 3 years)
2. Advanced Security in the Field (NB: needs to be retaken every 3 years)
3. Protection Induction Programme (PIP)
4. UN Course on Harassment, Sexual Harassment and Abuse of Authority
5. Orientation to IPSAS
- Recommended training courses
ICT Security
Mobile Data Collection
Data Analysis
Humanitarian WASH Standards
- Mandatory training courses:
1. Basic Security in the Field (NB: needs to be retaken every 3 years)
2. Advanced Security in the Field (NB: needs to be retaken every 3 years)
3. Protection Induction Programme (PIP)
4. UN Course on Harassment, Sexual Harassment and Abuse of Authority
5. Orientation to IPSAS
- Recommended training courses
ICT Security
Mobile Data Collection
Data Analysis
Humanitarian WASH Standards
Housing/accommodation: Yes- UN Guest House.
Health care: Yes - Government Hospital. There is a UN Clinic in Kasulu which opened in 2018.
Educational facilities: No. There are no suitable pre-schools, primary and secondary schools available to which national and international staff can send their children.
Security: UN Security Level-2 is currently in place and offical and private road travel by staff is limited as per the MOSS. All official missions in this region do not begin before 07:00 and staff are advised to be in a secure location no later than 18:30. Police escorts are required as per MOSS for travel by road between Kibondo to Kasulu. The security situation in Kasulu is relatively stable although highway robberies and road traffic accidents are the main security threats.
Other (transports, banks, etc): UNHCR Field Office Kasulu is a category E duty station and is located in Kasulu District, which is one of six districts in the Kigoma Region. The Office is 150 kms from Sub Office Kibondo and 200 kms from Field Unit Kigoma. Field Office Kasulu is 200 kms from the Regional Headquarters located in Kigoma/Ujiji Municipality and approximately 1,400 kms away from the commercial city of Dar es Salaam, and some 30 kms from the Tanzania/Burundi border. Basic food and other commodities are available in the local shops and markets. Banking facilities are limited with only two banks in the town operating ATMs. The R&R cycle in Kibondo is twelve weeks. There is a UNHCR-operated 10-seater Caravan which flies twice a week (Monday and Friday), depending on the weather and number of passengers between Mwanza/Kibondo/Kigoma/Kasulu. There are flights to Dar es Salaam from Kigoma and Mwanza. For international travel, drive to Kigali for the same.
Housing/accommodation: Yes- UN Guest House.
Health care: Yes - Government Hospital. There is a UN Clinic in Kasulu which opened in 2018.
Educational facilities: No. There are no suitable pre-schools, primary and secondary schools available to which national and international staff can send their children.
Security: UN Security Level-2 is currently in place and offical and private road travel by staff is limited as per the MOSS. All official missions in this region do not begin before 07:00 and staff are advised to be in a secure location no later than 18:30. Police escorts are required as per MOSS for travel by road between Kibondo to Kasulu. The security situation in Kasulu is relatively stable although highway robberies and road traffic accidents are the main security threats.
Other (transports, banks, etc): UNHCR Field Office Kasulu is a category E duty station and is located in Kasulu District, which is one of six districts in the Kigoma Region. The Office is 150 kms from Sub Office Kibondo and 200 kms from Field Unit Kigoma. Field Office Kasulu is 200 kms from the Regional Headquarters located in Kigoma/Ujiji Municipality and approximately 1,400 kms away from the commercial city of Dar es Salaam, and some 30 kms from the Tanzania/Burundi border. Basic food and other commodities are available in the local shops and markets. Banking facilities are limited with only two banks in the town operating ATMs. The R&R cycle in Kibondo is twelve weeks. There is a UNHCR-operated 10-seater Caravan which flies twice a week (Monday and Friday), depending on the weather and number of passengers between Mwanza/Kibondo/Kigoma/Kasulu. There are flights to Dar es Salaam from Kigoma and Mwanza. For international travel, drive to Kigali for the same.
Please note that the closing date for applications for this position is Sunday 14 April (midnight Geneva time).
Procedures and Eligibility
This vacancy is open in the frame of the JPO Programme sponsored by
Finland and only candidates with Finnish nationality will be considered.
Duties and Qualifications
The WASH team is an integral
part of a sizeable operation across 3 refugee camps, serving a total
population of 288,100 refugees. Due to the current WASH staffing profile
and a diminishing operational budget, services remain somewhat
constrained and the team is unable to conduct monitoring and project
control to the standards they would like. The proposed position would
enable a stronger focus on innovation with regard to Mobile Data
Collection (MDC) applications and mapping software for monitoring
project performance. With an injection of specific technical expertise
in these areas, WASH operations across the Tanzania
refugee operation would be enabled at a higher level. For example, the
team has thus far experimented with MDC and established a pilot project
to monitor the flow of water at each tapstand at Mtendeli camp using
refugee workers as a means of determing whether the implementing parter
is truly working to improve the quality of the water supply network as
requested. The results of this detailed but low-cost method of
monitoring showed that the partner was not making improvements with the
kind of vigour required and these results were then used to help the
partner to prioritize the most problematic areas of the network. With
the proposed additional expertise of an Associat WASH (M&E) Officer
driving innovation, this type of detailed monitoring could be expanded
and diversified.
UNHCR Field Office Kasulu and Sub-Office are located in Kigoma Region in north western Tanzania. The country currently hosts approximately 330,000 refugees and asylum-seekers, mainly from Burundi and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) with 87% living in three camps - Nyarugusu, Nduta and Mtendeli. Nduta and Mtendeli camps fall under the purview of Field Office Kibondo .
The political context and protection environment in Tanzania continues to evolve. Since 2017, restrictions on access to territory and asylum have increased. In 2017, prima facie declaration for Burundian asylum seekers was revoked and Burundian asylum seekers arriving in Tanzania had to undergo refugee status determination.
Since September 2017, UNHCR has been involved in the voluntary repatriation of Burundian refugees following a Tripartite Commission Meeting with the United Republic of Tanzania, Republic of Burundi, and UNHCR. Over 50,000 people have returned to the country since the operation started in September 2017. While UNHCR is not promoting voluntary repatration, it is supporting the operation to ensure that returns are based on the principles of voluntariness and informed decisions.
The Tanzania operation is severely underfunded and the lack of consistent and sufficient resources is felt acutely in all sectors. The potential for a new influx from the Democratic Republic of Congo remains high, as preparations for the December 2018 election kick off. Similarly, the situation in Burundi remains tense due to unresolved political tensions and continued displacement inside and outside the country.
There is 1 WASH Officer (Roving) and 3 WASH Associates who assist him in closely monitoring the outcomes and performance within the WASH Sector. Together they oversee the work of 3 WASH Implementing Partners; 2 international and 1 local (Oxfam, NRC, and Tanganyika Christian Refugee Services) as well as 1 Operating Partner (Water Mission Intl)
UNHCR Field Office Kasulu and Sub-Office are located in Kigoma Region in north western Tanzania. The country currently hosts approximately 330,000 refugees and asylum-seekers, mainly from Burundi and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) with 87% living in three camps - Nyarugusu, Nduta and Mtendeli. Nduta and Mtendeli camps fall under the purview of Field Office Kibondo .
The political context and protection environment in Tanzania continues to evolve. Since 2017, restrictions on access to territory and asylum have increased. In 2017, prima facie declaration for Burundian asylum seekers was revoked and Burundian asylum seekers arriving in Tanzania had to undergo refugee status determination.
Since September 2017, UNHCR has been involved in the voluntary repatriation of Burundian refugees following a Tripartite Commission Meeting with the United Republic of Tanzania, Republic of Burundi, and UNHCR. Over 50,000 people have returned to the country since the operation started in September 2017. While UNHCR is not promoting voluntary repatration, it is supporting the operation to ensure that returns are based on the principles of voluntariness and informed decisions.
The Tanzania operation is severely underfunded and the lack of consistent and sufficient resources is felt acutely in all sectors. The potential for a new influx from the Democratic Republic of Congo remains high, as preparations for the December 2018 election kick off. Similarly, the situation in Burundi remains tense due to unresolved political tensions and continued displacement inside and outside the country.
There is 1 WASH Officer (Roving) and 3 WASH Associates who assist him in closely monitoring the outcomes and performance within the WASH Sector. Together they oversee the work of 3 WASH Implementing Partners; 2 international and 1 local (Oxfam, NRC, and Tanganyika Christian Refugee Services) as well as 1 Operating Partner (Water Mission Intl)
- - Support the improvement of regular project monitoring and evaluation mechanisms so as to change UNHCR WASH's capacity from being primarily a receiver of project progress data from the implementing partners to a real-time evaluator using innovation and a wide range of mobile data collection, mapping, and data analysis technologies available
- - Ensure that there is a viable standard WASH monitoring system in place for data collection, analysis and interpretation/reporting to serve as an evidence base for planning and further interventions.
- - Assist UNHCR WASH to independently monitor cost savings due gained due to the ongoing solarization program of all boreholes at all camps, water supply flow data at tapstands, distance to tapstands, number of persons per tap, number of persons per latrine stance and bath shelter, progress of community-based family latrine construction, condition of shared emergency latrines, Free Residual Chlorine at tapstands and in household collection containers, number of litres of storage at household level, cleanliness of water collecting vessels, handwashing practices, quantity of soap available, open defecation, number of hygiene promoters per Person of Concern, number of hygiene promotion campaigns, and impact of Theatre and Drum/Dance and School Health Club activities upon Behaviour Change (primarily handwashing and latirne use)
- - Work in multi-sector team in close collaboration with Public Health, Shelter, Protection, Education, Fleet Management/Supply, and Field colleagues
- - 30% cross-camp travel between Nyarugusu, Nduta, and Mtendeli camps.
The incumbent holds a professional technical position responsible for
provision of expert technical support and advice within the areas of
water, sanitation, hygiene as an integral part of UNHCR
programmes, specialising in improving Monitoring & Evaluation
capability, particularly through technological innovation such as
through Mobile Data Collection, Mapping, as well as data analysis and
visualisation.The JPO is expected to support the WASH Section in carrying out the following major duties and responsibilities:
Standards and policies
Support the drafting of WASH-related operational policies and guidelines.
Undertake needs and resources assessments with Governments and partners in order to prioritize needs and activities in provision of services to refugess and other people of concern to UNHCR.
Technical Support:
- Provide technical guidance and support to UNHCR's field operations, as well as the Bureaux on related technical matters to ensure delivery of WASH services; Provide field-based support and/or evaluation missions for emergency as well as stable situations as and when needed;
- Review and provide technical inputs on reports and programme proposals from the field with the view to verify technical integrity and compliance with UNHCR policy priorities refugee women and children, gender, adolescents and other related topics.
- Supporting the development and implementation of the monitoring and evaluation system for WASH programmes;
- Review and monitor programmes and activities in the field utilizing information gathered through the UNHCR WASH Monitoring System
- Analyze and evaluate WASH data to assess compliance with standards.
- Support data analysis of WASH data
- Support capacity building initiatives in the field of WASH among fellow UNCHR colleagues as well as Implementing Partners as well as refugee incentive workers, so that they acquire the needed knowledge, skills and sense of responsibility and ownership of the programme.
- Determine the appropriate principles, methods, and software most appropriate to conduct the monitoring and evaluation activities proscribed
- Determine the most appropriate reporting methodologies to communicate results for the monitoring mechanisms including mapping and data analysis software
- Determine the appropriate responses to project challenges identified in order to put project progress back on track
degree (BA/MA or equivalent, obtained in an accredited institution in water and sanitation engineering / water resources
development and/or postgraduate degree in one of the civil engineering
disciplines (water supply and/or hydrology or sanitation/hygiene
engineering) or Geographical Information Systems (GIS) or Computer
Engineering/Programming or Monitoring & Evaluation.
WORK EXPERIENCE: At least 2 years of experience in technical (related to water and sanitation) project/programme management works or Monitoring & Evaluation or Computer Engineering/Programming(required). Candidate with BA degree must have at least 3 years of experience. Experience in refugee emergencies or developing countries is desirable.
SKILLS: Program Management, willingness to learn, enthusiastic, eager to meet challenges and quickly assimilate new concepts, Computer/Technical Literacy (Mobile Data Collection, GIS/Mapping, Excel/Power BI), data analysis & visualization, excellent interpersonal communication abilities, multicultural sensitivity/awareness, problem-solving/reasoning/creativity, teamwork.
WORK EXPERIENCE: At least 2 years of experience in technical (related to water and sanitation) project/programme management works or Monitoring & Evaluation or Computer Engineering/Programming(required). Candidate with BA degree must have at least 3 years of experience. Experience in refugee emergencies or developing countries is desirable.
SKILLS: Program Management, willingness to learn, enthusiastic, eager to meet challenges and quickly assimilate new concepts, Computer/Technical Literacy (Mobile Data Collection, GIS/Mapping, Excel/Power BI), data analysis & visualization, excellent interpersonal communication abilities, multicultural sensitivity/awareness, problem-solving/reasoning/creativity, teamwork.
Proficient in the use of the follwing:ArcGIS/QGIS
Managerial Competencies:
M003: Judgement and Decision Making
Cross-Functional Competencies:
X001: Analytical Thinking
X002: Innovation and Creativity
X003: Technological Awareness
M003: Judgement and Decision Making
Cross-Functional Competencies:
X001: Analytical Thinking
X002: Innovation and Creativity
X003: Technological Awareness
- Essential: English,
- Desirable: Swahili and/or any other UN language.
- Essential: English,
- Desirable: Swahili and/or any other UN language.
SUPERVISION: The JPO will be under the direct supervision of the
manager indicated under `Supervisor title and position number¿. The
supervisor will be responsible for the performance evaluation of the
JPO. The manager will also ensure that the JPO is provided a thorough
induction and orientation briefing, followed by on-the-job training as
well as continuous guidance for training/learning opportunities
throughout the assignment. In support to the manager, the JPO Unit
provides the Supervisory Guidelines upon recruitment/reassignment of the
Training Components
- Mandatory training courses:
1. Basic Security in the Field (NB: needs to be retaken every 3 years)
2. Advanced Security in the Field (NB: needs to be retaken every 3 years)
3. Protection Induction Programme (PIP)
4. UN Course on Harassment, Sexual Harassment and Abuse of Authority
5. Orientation to IPSAS
- Recommended training courses
ICT Security
Mobile Data Collection
Data Analysis
Humanitarian WASH Standards
- Mandatory training courses:
1. Basic Security in the Field (NB: needs to be retaken every 3 years)
2. Advanced Security in the Field (NB: needs to be retaken every 3 years)
3. Protection Induction Programme (PIP)
4. UN Course on Harassment, Sexual Harassment and Abuse of Authority
5. Orientation to IPSAS
- Recommended training courses
ICT Security
Mobile Data Collection
Data Analysis
Humanitarian WASH Standards
Housing/accommodation: Yes- UN Guest House.
Health care: Yes - Government Hospital. There is a UN Clinic in Kasulu which opened in 2018.
Educational facilities: No. There are no suitable pre-schools, primary and secondary schools available to which national and international staff can send their children.
Security: UN Security Level-2 is currently in place and offical and private road travel by staff is limited as per the MOSS. All official missions in this region do not begin before 07:00 and staff are advised to be in a secure location no later than 18:30. Police escorts are required as per MOSS for travel by road between Kibondo to Kasulu. The security situation in Kasulu is relatively stable although highway robberies and road traffic accidents are the main security threats.
Other (transports, banks, etc): UNHCR Field Office Kasulu is a category E duty station and is located in Kasulu District, which is one of six districts in the Kigoma Region. The Office is 150 kms from Sub Office Kibondo and 200 kms from Field Unit Kigoma. Field Office Kasulu is 200 kms from the Regional Headquarters located in Kigoma/Ujiji Municipality and approximately 1,400 kms away from the commercial city of Dar es Salaam, and some 30 kms from the Tanzania/Burundi border. Basic food and other commodities are available in the local shops and markets. Banking facilities are limited with only two banks in the town operating ATMs. The R&R cycle in Kibondo is twelve weeks. There is a UNHCR-operated 10-seater Caravan which flies twice a week (Monday and Friday), depending on the weather and number of passengers between Mwanza/Kibondo/Kigoma/Kasulu. There are flights to Dar es Salaam from Kigoma and Mwanza. For international travel, drive to Kigali for the same.
Housing/accommodation: Yes- UN Guest House.
Health care: Yes - Government Hospital. There is a UN Clinic in Kasulu which opened in 2018.
Educational facilities: No. There are no suitable pre-schools, primary and secondary schools available to which national and international staff can send their children.
Security: UN Security Level-2 is currently in place and offical and private road travel by staff is limited as per the MOSS. All official missions in this region do not begin before 07:00 and staff are advised to be in a secure location no later than 18:30. Police escorts are required as per MOSS for travel by road between Kibondo to Kasulu. The security situation in Kasulu is relatively stable although highway robberies and road traffic accidents are the main security threats.
Other (transports, banks, etc): UNHCR Field Office Kasulu is a category E duty station and is located in Kasulu District, which is one of six districts in the Kigoma Region. The Office is 150 kms from Sub Office Kibondo and 200 kms from Field Unit Kigoma. Field Office Kasulu is 200 kms from the Regional Headquarters located in Kigoma/Ujiji Municipality and approximately 1,400 kms away from the commercial city of Dar es Salaam, and some 30 kms from the Tanzania/Burundi border. Basic food and other commodities are available in the local shops and markets. Banking facilities are limited with only two banks in the town operating ATMs. The R&R cycle in Kibondo is twelve weeks. There is a UNHCR-operated 10-seater Caravan which flies twice a week (Monday and Friday), depending on the weather and number of passengers between Mwanza/Kibondo/Kigoma/Kasulu. There are flights to Dar es Salaam from Kigoma and Mwanza. For international travel, drive to Kigali for the same.
Please note that the closing date for applications for this position is Sunday 14 April (midnight Geneva time).