That was said by the Minister of Construction, Transport and Communications, Isack Kamwelwe during the 17th Graduation ceremony of Chuo cha Bandari 2018, that 196 graduates was to be given 'immediate employment' to the Tanzania Port Authority. Declaring the decision Yesterday, Kamwelwe said the move aimed at reducing the problem of staff shortages, where he asked the Secretary of Transport and TPA General Director Deusdedit Kakoko to address the issue quickly.
Kamwelwe said due to the major demand, which is in line with the development of the port infrastructure, the panel of candidates will help to reduce the current crisis during this time of the 5th-Phase Government of President John Magufuli especially to implement various projects. "I have said that because there are 200 vacancies to be filled in the Port, there is no need to make announcements in this regard, I know there are legal procedures in this regard, but I, the TPA Director and the Board will move directly to Minister Geogre Mkuchika (Minister of State, President's Office, Public Service and Good Governance) to keep it right "said Kamwelwe.
In addition, pointing out the matter, TPA's CEO, Kakoko said essentially any order issued by the Minister is being implemented. He said that from that point, the TPA will begin the process of recruiting graduates for temporary employment from February this year.The order was received by 'Vifijo na nderemo' by graduates, Kamwelwe said the government would continue with the college improvements to make it one of the best colleges, providing education on port and sea issues.
Source:Habari Leo
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