List of Undergraduate and their Pespective Colleges Admitted for 2018/2019 Academic Year-Round /ORODHA YA JUMLA YA WALIOCHAGULIWA VYUO VIKUU KWA MWAKA 2018/19

List of University Selections and Admission for 2018/2019 Academic Year Round 1
  1. University of Dar es Salaam UDSM admission 2018 / 2019 
  2. Sokoine University of Agriculture SUA admission 2018 / 2019
  3. The Open University of Tanzania  OUT admission 2018 / 2019
  4. Ardhi University Application ARU admission 2018 / 2019
  5. Mzumbe University MU admission 2018 / 2019
  6. Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences MUHAS admission 2018 / 2019
  7. Nelson Mandela African Institute of Science and Technology NMAIST  admission 2018 / 2019
  8. University of Dodoma UDOM admission 2018 / 2019
  9. Katavi University of Agriculture KUA admission 2018 / 2019
  10. Mbeya University of Science and Technology MUST admission 2018 / 2019
  11. Hubert Kairuki Memorial University HKMU admission 2018 / 2019
  12. International Medical and Technological University IMTU admission 2018 / 2019
  13. Tumaini University Makumira TUMA  admission 2018 / 2019
  14. Tanzania Institute of Accountancy (TIA) Selection 2018/19
  15. St. Augustine University of Tanzania SAUT admission 2018 / 2019
  16. Mount Meru University MMU admission 2018 / 2019
  17. University of Arusha ARU admission 2018 / 2019
  18. Water Institute (WI): List Of Students Approved Direct By TCU 
  19. Teofilo Kisanji University TEKU Admission 2018 / 2019
  20. Muslim University of Morogoro MUM admission 2018 / 2019
  21. St. John’s University of Tanzania SJUT  admission Selection 2018 / 2019
  22. University of Bagamoyo  admission 2018 / 2019
  23. ARUSHA TECHNICAL COLLEGE:Admissions in Round One of 2018-2019
  24. Eckernforde Tanga University ETU  admission 2018 / 2019
  25. Catholic University of Health and Allied Sciences CUHAS  admission 2018 / 2019
  26. St. Joseph University In Tanzania SJUT admission  2018/ 2019
  27. SAUT MBEYA: Selected applicants Round 1, 2018/2019
  28. College of African Wildlife Management-Mweka: Selected Applicants to Join Undergraduate Degree 
  29. The Eastern Africa Statistical Training Centre(EASTC): Selected Applicants For The First Round 
  30. United African University of Tanzania UAUT admission 2018 / 2019
  31. Sebastian Kolowa Memorial University SEKOMU admission 2018 / 2019
  32. Tanzania International University TIU Selection 2017 / 2018
  33. Jordan University College-JUCO: Selected Applicants Approved by TCU 2018/2019
  34. University of Iringa admission 2018 / 2019
  35. SUMAIT University  admission 2018 / 2019
  36. Mwenge Catholic University admission 2018 / 2019
  37. Mwalimu Nyerere Memorial Academy-MNMA 2018 / 2019
  38. CDTI TENGERU: Selected Applicants To Join Undergraduate Degree Programmes
  39. Dar es Salaam University College of Education DUCE admission 2018 / 2019
  40. Mkwawa University College of Education MUCE admission 2018 / 2019
  41. Moshi University College of Cooperative and Business Studies MoCU admission 2018 / 2019
  42. Institute of Rural Development Planning (IRDP) Selected Candidates Applicants 2018 – 2019
  43. The Institute of Social Work (ISW): Selected Applicants To Join Undergraduate Degree Programmes
  44. NIT:Selected Applicants To Join  Degree Programmes For Academic Year 2018/2019 
  45. DIT:Selected Applicant For Degree Programms For Academic Year 2018/19
  46. Kampala International University Dar es Salaam College Application
  47. Kilimanjaro Christian Medical College KCMC admission 2018 / 2019
  48. Ruaha University College RUCU  admission 2018 / 2019
  49. St. Francis University College of Health and Allied Sciences SFUCHAS  admission 2018 / 2019
  50. Stefano Moshi Memorial University College SMMUCO  admission 2018 / 2019
  52. Stella Maris Mtwara University College STEMMUCO  admission 2018 / 2019
  53. Tumaini University Dar es Salaam College TUDARCo  admission 2018 / 2019
  54. Institute Of Accountancy Arusha-IAA: Selected Applicants To Join Various Degree Programmes For 2018/19
  55. The Institute Of Finance Management-IFM: Selected Applicants to join Undergraduate programmes 2018/2019