HESLB:The List of 17,303 Applicants Not Qualified to Get Educational loans for 2018/19 Academic Year/Wanafunzi elfu 17,303 hawajakidhi vigezo

17,303 thousand students do not meet the criteria
It has been said that more than 17,303 students are not eligible for higher education loans due to not completing the necessary required attachments conditions that have added to another 15 days.

Senior Communications Officer from the Students Loan Board, Veneranda Malima said that until July 31, 2018, which was the last deadline for Loan's applicaants to apply for a loan, 88,502 students applied for only 78,290 applicants to date.

Following the figures over 17,303 students have not completed the integration items in the form of mortgage applications including birth certificates and sponsors' identities so that the board will extend fifteen days.

"We do not accept the new application, but the time we have added is for those applicants who have not completed an important attachment for many not to give birth certificates and credentials tags," said Malima.

May 10, 2018 The Students Loan Board, initially received applications from students selected to join higher education and on July 31, 2018 Board closed the exercise of credit unions for higher education students in the country.

Tshs. 427.5 billion has been allocated for loans for higher education students for 2018/2019, which are for current students, and new applicants who have qualifications for joining degrees in universities in the country.