List of Programs/Courses Offered by The Hubert Kairuki Memorial University HKMU

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Hubert Kairuki Memorial University HKMU Offered courses for 2018/ 2019
Hubert Kairuki Memorial University (HKMU) was established in 1997, being among the first private universities to be accredited in Tanzania in the year 2000, it has since then received local, regional and international recognition.

It was the idea of Prof Hubert C.M Kairuki and his wife Mrs Kokushubira Kairuki to establish the University, moved by the situation in Tanzania after independence in 1961, whereby diseases, poverty and ignorance were declared the country’s key enemies.
Initially HKMU University was established as Mikocheni International University of Health Sciences (MIUHS), with a focus towards addressing training needs for health professionals in Tanzania, and in sub-Saharan Africa.
Currently The Hubert Kairuki Memorial University offers various undergraduate degree , diploma, and post graduate Programmes as listed below.

Undergraduate Programme

  • Bachelor of Nursing (BScN) Pre – service
  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BScN) In-service
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