360 Teaching Jobs for Science, mathematics, linguistics and laboratory technicians.Deadline July

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The government intends to employ 4,785 teachers of primary and secondary secondary schools. Addressing Parliament during the postponement of the 11th Parliamentary Assembly, Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa said 4,785 teachers who will be hired for primary schools will be sent to high-school schools and that the initiative is to strengthen the education sector in the country.

He said the government has already announced employment opportunities for 200 teachers of science, mathematics and linguistics who will be targeted at secondary schools. In addition, Majaliwa said the Government has also announced employment opportunities for 160 laboratory technicians who will also be sent to schools with shortage of professionals. "The government recognizes the lack of adequate infrastructure in primary and secondary schools which is due to an increase in the enrollment of pupils of primary education, the first class and the first part and those who join the fifth part of the year," he said.


He said the government in collaboration with the development partners through the Lipa Based on Results (EP4R) has continued to strengthen essential infrastructure in high-level schools, Majaliwa said in 2018/2019, the government planned to use Shs 155.58 billion for the rehabilitation of the oldest school 25, the purchase of laboratory equipment, 85 circuits, 2,000 classrooms and incentives to the council due to effectiveness in the implementation of the project.
Legislative support The mandate has required MPs to encourage citizens in their states to use auxiliary registrants to obtain their legal rights. He said in moving legal aid services to regional, municipalities, districts and all councils in the government have appointed auxiliary registrar who will provide legal assistance to the community. "I thank all those who have been entrusted with managing this system of service delivery for ethics and ethics so that this service can be sustainable and help the ordinary citizen get his right," she said.