The President's Office, Public Service Management and Good Governance
(PO PSMGG) is a Ministry under President's Office as per Government
Notice No.143 of 2016. Before 2016 it was known as The President's
Office, Public Service Management (PO-PSM). Its chief executive and
accounting officer is the Permanent Secretary, who has a workforce of
about 300 employees.
Formerly known as the Civil Service Department, it
was transformed into President's Office, Public Service Management
(PO-PSM) in the year 2003 to conform to the newly enacted Public Service
Act No. 8 of 2002. Along with the transformation, opportunity was taken
to accommodate efficiency and effectiveness considerations in the
Management of the Public Service, in particular implementation of the
on-going Public Service Reforms and in provision of its services.
The government has announced the reimbursement of 1,370 employees who have been discharged from employment for lack of form four education certificate
Note:All employees will be paid all their salary since they were removed from the employment system